Sunday, 26 September 2010

Brief Ideas As of up to now

So I wrote out ten briefs in rough, most of them looked into visual communication and layout and could be put into print. The briefs I did over summer are on the summer practise blog I set up, but Ill post the best ones I came up with up again on here.

Brief idea 1.

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN               LEVEL 06
Module Code                                           OUGD301
Module Title                                             DESIGN PRACTISE 3

BRIEF TITLE                                                            
The art of Bonsai is an ancient horticultural Art form. Bonsai tree literally translates into tree in a pot, but in order to successfully grow a bonsai tree into a valuable and beautiful miniature tree is much more challenging than this alone. There is a complex and specific way to do this, you need to design a care guide that informs people interested in growing/ have begun growing a bonsai tree.

The Brief
Design an informative pack or guide specifically the horticultural art of bonsai in response to information gathered about Bonsai Care.
This project should be completed with a body of research and supporting work which shows your line of inquiry into the subject.

Considerations                                                          Deliverables
What tools and equipment is needed                          1 Bonsai Care pack/ care kit and a body
to care for a Bonsai tree?                                            and a body of supporting research and
What format could the guide take?
e.g. Motion graphic, packaging etc.

Who are the target audience and
What is the tone of voice?

This Brief should be read in conjunction with the “negotiated briefs” brief.

 Brief 2

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN               LEVEL 06
Module Code                                           OUGD301
Module Title                                             DESIGN PRACTISE 3

BRIEF TITLE                                                            
The New Age Society Guide.
With so many conspiracy theories and global catastrophes at this present time, people may start to question their existence and their leaders. As barrack Obama said, “I call for a New World order.” You are that order. What would a new age society be like, and what would the laws in place and ways of life be like? Here is your chance to explore that notion.
The Brief
Design a guide which outlines Life in a new age society, and specify on what people need to do in order to fit in or co- operate with this.

Considerations                                                          Deliverables
What methods of production could be used?
This Brief should be read in conjunction with the “negotiated briefs” brief.

As you can see, I couldnt think of much for this brief, which suggests to me that its not a good idea to persue this brief.

Brief 3

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN               LEVEL 06
Module Code                                           OUGD301
Module Title                                             DESIGN PRACTISE 3

BRIEF TITLE                                                            
JJLong - Identity
JJLong is a surface pattern designer who has recently decided to establish a website and a means of distribution for her work, she needs a branded identity designing in order for her to do so.

The Brief
Design and produce a branded identity for JJLong - This will include producing branded promotional materials and epherma such as gift tags, postcards, business cards and web content.

Considerations                                                          Deliverables
The branded identity needs to                                     1X Logo with a range of branded
Represent the designer and her products                    Products.

Also needs to convey the right image the
Designer wants to present of herself
To others.

What is the budget? What will these
Restrictions allow you to do?

This Brief should be read in conjunction with the “negotiated briefs” brief.

 Brief 4 

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN               LEVEL 06
Module Code                                           OUGD301
Module Title                                             DESIGN PRACTISE 3

BRIEF TITLE                                                            
Jehst and visual language
Jehst is a rapper and producer from The United Kingdom. His lyrics are interesting and often invocative of strange and different mental imagery, for example; “Foetus on the couch, stout on my breath mith a bad case of deser mouth.”
The Brief
Design and create 5 posters which visually communicate interesting lyrics from 5 different Jehst songs.

Considerations                                                          Deliverables
What print methods could be used                            5 posters and a body of research and
to achieve the best result.                                          Development work.

What visual approach will you take to
Achieve the best results.

Scale/ Frame/ Format

Paper Stocks.

This Brief should be read in conjunction with the “negotiated briefs” brief.

 Brief 5

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN               LEVEL 06
Module Code                                           OUGD301
Module Title                                             DESIGN PRACTISE 3

BRIEF TITLE                                                            
Space - Educational publication
The human race has set foot on the moon, sent satelleites out to the far reaches of extra solar space, and put robots on mars. But as a society, what do we actually know about space? It is most definitely a specialist subject among astrologers and physicists, but non the less, its an important one.
The Brief
Design and produce a publication which raises awareness about space. With the potential of expanding the publication into a range.

Considerations                                                          Deliverables
What print methods could be used                            1x publication + Proposals for expansion
to achieve the best result.                                          Into a range.

What visual approach will you take to
Achieve the best results.

Scale/ Frame/ Format

How will you focus in on a subject matter.

How will you use type and image together in the
Form of a publication?

Paper Stocks.

Scale / frame / format

Colour limitations & Budget

This Brief should be read in conjunction with the “negotiated briefs” brief.

The other briefs I wrote just werent weighty enough and were almost mini briefs which I can complete in my own time alongside the bigger briefs. There is a common problem with alot of these briefs... I dont actually want to do most of them. There is only one which I actually want to do in this list, and that is the publication about space. This is because the publication would be a great showcase for my skills. I could use an illustrative approach and really delve into layout in much more depth that I ever have before. Obviously print is going to be a big factor for me this year, but I am concerned with just printing something that looks beautiful but is otherwise pointless. I think it will be important for me to be content and concept driven too give alot more weight to the design I aim to be doing.

There is a book fair which Amber has arranged for a few of us to go down to, I will be attending so I need to write a brief about this. This is great because this is a live brief and is a great change to showcase my print, illustration and art driection skills.


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